➤ It allows gas administration to the patient from the breathing system without introducing any apparatus into the patient’s mouth.
➤ Masks come in a variety of sizes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and shapes
➤ Face Mask may be constructed of a number of substances, including black rubber, clear plastic, an elastomeric material, or a combination of these.

Body(shell /dome)
The main part of the mask.
Seal (rim, flap, edge)
Part of the mask that comes in contact with the face.
Connector(orifice, collar, mount)
It consists of a thickened fitting with a 22mm internal diameter.
Clear-hood masks
Transperant, Polycarbonate [not antistatic].
Black rubber masks or anatomical mask
Anatomically shaped for adjusting to the contour of face with inflatable air-pads or cushion.
Rendell-Baker-Soucek Mask

Designed for the pediatric patient,
Triangular body.
It has a low dead space.
Endoscopic Masks

Designed to allow mask ventilation while an endoscope is being used.
A port/diaphragm in the mask body allows a fiberscope to be inserted into the nose or mouth.
Circular mask Paediatric facemask.

Scented Masks
Adding scent to the face mask may make inhalational inductions more pleasant.
➤ Used with magills circuit for preoperative/ postoperative oxygenation.
➤ Used for IPPV under scoline prior to intubation
➤ Used for facemask anesthesia for short surgical procedure like abcess drainage,dilation and curettage,debridement and suturing,ECT.
➤ Also used to administer noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) for treatment of respiratory failure.
➤ Lower incidence of sore throat .
➤ Requires less anesthetic depth than using a supraglottic device or a tracheal tube.
➤ Muscle relaxants do not need to be used to tolerate the mask.
The face mask may be the most cost-efficient method to manage the airway for short cases.
➤ With a face mask, one or more of the anesthesia provider’s hands are in continuous use.
➤ higher fresh gas flows are often needed.
➤ Compared with patients who are managed with a supraglottic airway device, patients who are managed with a face mask have more episodes of oxygen desaturation, require more intraoperative airway manipulations.
➤ More difficulties in maintaining an airway .
➤ In spontaneously breathing patients, the work of breathing is higher with a face mask than with a supraglottic airway device or a tracheal tube.
➤ Skin Problems like Dermatitis, Pressure necrosis, Latex Allergy,skin reaction
➤ Nerve Injury, Foreign Body Aspiration, Gastric Inflation, Eye Injury,Cervical Spine Movement,
➤ Lack of Correlation between Arterial and End-tidal Carbon Dioxide,Environmental Pollution, User Fatigue, Jaw Pain.