Humphry Davy
Humphry Davy (1778 – 1829) Born in Cornwell
Son of Wood CarverAt the age of 17 he experimented with N2O and its effects of inhalation
Treatment of pulmonary TB by inhalation of gases like- N2O
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Water gas
- Carbon dioxide
Published book, Researches, clinical and philosophical Chiefly concerning N2O.
Suggested that nitrous oxide inhalation might be used to relieve pain of surgical operations.
Named N2O as laughing gas.
N2O Container was made by JAMES WAA in 1799.
His work influenced Mr.Coltan 44 yrs later, Davy became famous.
Method of N2O: Heating ammonium nitrate (1985).
Other invention, minor safety lamp 1820.
He was Faraday’s teacher, was first to describe Na and K+
Robert Macintosh
Robert Macintosh (1897 – 1989) First/Foremost clinical anaesthetist.
Born in Newzeland.
Travelled to Britain in first world war.
Joined Royal flying Corps.
Qualified in Medicine Guy’s Hospital 1924.
Was a Surgeon but abandoned career in surgery and became dental anesthetist in London in 1937 moved to Oxford
First professor of anesthesia in university
First chair in Europe
Built up renowned department in Oxford
Undertaken clinical work,teaching,development of anesthesia apparatus,
appointment of anesthesia nurses.
In 1941 Wrote textbooks
• Essentials of general anesthesia
• Clarity of regional anesthesia
• Encouraging regional anesthesia
It Was the first book of anesthesia.
Associated with many practical equipments like Macintosh laryngoscope.
Enormous worldwide influence on evaluation of anesthesia.
He was made honorary fellow of faculties of Anesthesia in England/Ireland/Austria
was Honorary Doctor of Science in University of Wales. -
Ralph Milton Waters
Ralph Milton Waters (1883 – 1979) -Born in Bloom-field of anglo Scottish descent.
-Student of Western Reserve University in Cleveland 1903.
-Took Art degree.
-Became MD in 1992.
-Settled General practice in Sioux city for 5 yrs.
-Opened private clinic with operating room and facilities for minor surgery.
-First day-stay clinic in US.
-He hurt his back while lifting an overweight patient, as a result spent 6 months in a brace.
1927-He took charge of anesthesia at new hospital of state of Wisconsin in Madison
-Became assistant professor, associate professor, professor of anesthesia (1933) with clinical charge of anesthesia of university hospitals.
-His clinic became one of the leading centres of anesthesia in the world.
-1938- Awarded by Hockman Medal by royal society of medicine in London.
-One of the first Day-stay clinic in US.
-Many paper.
-Insistence on proper training programme for young anesthetist.
-Encouragement on careful note keeping during anesthesia by means of punch cards.
-Introduction of Cyclopropane in anesthetic practice.
-Development of to and fro carbondioxide absorbing system.
-Re-evaluation of chloroform.
-Pioneering use of thiopentone.
-Endo-bronchial intubation. -
Arthur E Gudel
Arthur E Gudel (1883 – 1956) -Born in Bloom-field of anglo Scottish descent.
-Student of Western Reserve University in Cleveland 1903.
-Took Art degree.
–Became MD in 1992.
-Settled General practice in Sioux city for 5 yrs.
-Opened private clinic with operating room and facilities for minor surgery.
-First day-stay clinic in US.
-He hurt his back while lifting an overweight patient, as a result spent 6 months in a brace.
1927-He took charge of anesthesia at new hospital of state of Wisconsin in Madison
-Became assistant professor, associate professor, professor of anesthesia (1933) with clinical charge of anesthesia of university hospitals.
-His clinic became one of the leading centres of anesthesia in the world.
Awarded(1938) by Hockman Medal by royal society of medicine in London.Contributions
-One of the first Day-stay clinic in US.
-Many paper.
-Insistence on proper training programme for young anesthetist.
-Encouragement on careful note keeping during anesthesia by means of punch cards.
-Introduction of Cyclopropane in anesthetic practice.
-Development of to and fro carbondioxide absorbing system.
-Re-evaluation of chloroform.
-Pioneering use of thiopentone.
-Endo-bronchial intubation. -
Ivan Magill
Ivan Magill (1888 – 1986) Born in Larne –Northen Ireland.
1888-42 yrs after Morton’s first use of ether.
2 yrs after discovery of localanalgesia,cocaine.
-Attended local grammer school –medical student at Queens university Belfast.
Qualified in 1913.
-House-Surgeon at Stanley Hospital in Liverpool.
-Worked in 1914-18.
-When peace came again,posted to Queens hospital in Sidlup.
-With young colleague (neither of whom was experienced anesthetist) they found themselves responsible for giving anesthesia for resconstructive operations on face and jaws in wounded souldiers,
under Harold Gillies-world famous pioneer of plastic surgery.
-They were among the first workers to develop tracheal intubation, initially using two narrow gum-elastic tubes afferent and efferent for insufflation of ether under slight positive pressure.
-Employed single rubber tube for spontaneous breathing.
-First to develop blind nasal tracheal intubation-Magill tube.
-Surgeons discouraged tracheal intubation due to possibility of tissue damage,partly due to conservatism.
-Took many years to accept intubation into general employement of anesthetist.
-Those who learnt how to perform blind nasal intubation realized advantages
1. It would enable the patient to be taken to the level of anesthesia necessary for laparotomy very quickly with ether,reducing time for induction.
2. Provides clear airway.
3. Prevents laryngeal spasm.
4. Enables lung to be protected against foreign material.-His skill and personality enabled him to acquire large private practice in London and beyond.
-He was man of steal practical ingenuity,
originated or developed many pieces of equipment-
refinement of technique for the safety of his patients and convenience of surgeons.
1. Laryngoscope
2. Laryngeal foreceps
3. Magill’s attachment (Mepolson A)
Simple combination of breathing tube,reserviour bag,expiratory valve for spontaneous breathing.
4. Method of in thoracic surgery employing bronchial blockers (for control of pulmonary secretions)
5. One lung anesthesia technique –greatly contributed to thoracic surgery 1920-1930.
6. Magill’s connection.
7. Magill’s suction unit.
8. Magill’s tube Armoured tube without murphy’s eye.Honours
-Leading part in organizing association of anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland,1932.
-Instituting examination for diploma in anesthesia,first in 1935.
-Persuading the Royal College of Sourgeons of England to found faculty of Anesthetist 1947.
-Reputation –Safe and Skilled Anesthetist.
-KCVO –Knighthood awarded by queen 1960.
-FRCS (Emg).
-Honorary FFARCS.
-The DSc of his old university.
-Henry Gill Hickman medal from Royal Society of Medicine. -
James Young Simpson
James Young Simpson (1811-1870) -Born at Bathgate near Edinburgh.
-Qualified MD in 1832.
-Elected to chair of Mid –wifery at Edinburgh 1840.
-Ability as a lecturer, soon attracted large classes of students.
-Took interest in wide range of subjects like-leprosy,
perpueral sepsis,hospital design.
-Put forward method of haemostasis by acupressure to promote better wound healing.
-Contributed to the literature of archeology.
1. President of society of antiquaries of Scotland 1861.
2. One of the “Her Majesty’s Physician” in Scotland 1847.
3. Received many foreign honours.
Anesthesia work
1. Introduction of Chloroform 1847.
2. First to use ether in obstretic practice on 19 Jan 1847.
3. Simpson tried chloroform as an anesthetic vapour on 4th November 1847 on himself and his assistants at Simpson’s house,52,Queen street,Edinburgh.
And 4 days later it was used clinically.
Read report to ‘Edinburgh Medical and Chiurgical society on 10th Nov.
“Notice of new anesthetic agents as substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery andmid-wifery”.
4. Simpson was first Obstretician to employ ether for delivery. (19 Jan 1847)He held that chloroform has advantages over ether.
1. action is more rapid,complete,persistent.
2. require smaller quantity.
3. more pleasant.
4. cheaper.-20 Nov 1847-chloroform was first given in London at St Barthlomew Hospital.
-His dining room has been preserved as ‘ The Discovery Room’ after his death at his place No. 52,Queens street Edinburgh. -
Henry Edmund Gaskin Boyle
Henry Edmund Gaskin Boyle (1875 – 1941) -Born in Barbados
-Qualifies at St. Bartholomew Hospital London 1901.
-As a student he was president of Abernethian Society.
-Casualty officer in Bristol.
-Returned to St. Borthlomew Hospital London as junior resident anesthetist to become head of the department.
-1912-Started using Nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia.
-1917-First Boyle’s apparatus.
-In first world war in France,he introduced Gas oxygen for anesthetizing wound.
-Visited US –Brought Davis’ Gas-introduced to British thoat surgeons.
-Was an early user of Magill’s Endotracheal instrument.Honours
-In 1935 elected FRCS and DA.
-One of the original pair of examiners for diploma.
-Founder member of the association of anesthesia of Great Britain Ireland 1932.
-1907-Wrote first edition of his text book ‘Practical Anesthesia’.
-His anesthetic machine is used in most of the hospitals today. -
August Karl Gustav Bier
August Karl Gustav Bier (1861 – 1949) -Born in Helsen in Waldeck in Germany 1861.
-Graduated in 1887 at Kiel.
-Assistant professor in Surgery-Von Esmarch.
-He supervised transition from antiseptic to aseptic techniques in operation theatre.
-He became familiar with work of medical colleague Hein-rich Irenaew Quinke who established lumber puncture as a safe investigation in routine neurological examination.
-1898-He gave first deliberate spinal anesthesia with 2 ml of Cocaine.
-He invented method of treating chronic inflammation by the method of passive hyperemia.
-Pioneered intravenous procaine analgesia.
-He was great figure of German surgery as a teacher,lecturer,operator.
-Introduced Tin Helmet into German army in first world war.
-In later life he came to hold his unorthodox ideas,advocated physical education,Callisthenics.
-Deviated from vies of his collegues.
-Died at the age of 88 in 1949.